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Ongoing Projects

School feeding initiative (SFI)

Food insecurity remains a problem affecting the kingdom of Eswatini especially the Lubombo and Shiselweni regions. Responding to the 2015 – 2016 El Niño induced drought, the project provided complementary feeding to 32 primary schools in Year 1 in the Lubombo region through the Ministry of Education and Training (MoET). In Year 2, the focus was on infrastructure and Year 3 the focus shifted to Home Grown School Feeding (HGSF) and sustainability.

The project is now working with 30 primary schools in the Lubombo region in Round 4 (2021-2022) aimed at strengthening HGSF model to the beneficiary schools, where schools are supported to implement Income Generating Activities (IGAs) to produce for school feeding. Monitoring and evaluation of existing IGAs continues and new IGAs added to cover all 30 schools. Currently, 8 682 (4 470 boys and 4 210 girls) school going children are direct beneficiaries of HGSF. 


Community Led Monitoring Project (CLM)

Community Led Project, abbreviated CLM, is a PEPFAR Funded project that is implemented in selected PEPFAR supported facilities across the four regions of Eswatini. ADRA Eswatini is currently implementing in two regions namely Manzini and Shiselweni region; there are five selected health facilities per region which sums up to 10 health facilities.

The Community-Led-Monitoring project is a one year exercise whose purpose is to improve the quality of HIV care and service delivery for People Living with HIV and AIDS (PLHV) at community-based health facilities, regionally and nationally levels through the implementation of Community-Led Feedback (CLF).

The CLM project places communities and clients at the centre of HIV response in controlling the HIV pandemic. This is through collaborating with community members in a way that will identify barriers and enablers to accessing and utilizing HIV services which is pivotal in PEPFAR’s client-centred focus.

Community Led Project Consortium

The Young and Empowered Project (YEP)

YEP is a five-year project (January 2022 to December 2026), targeting 600 children (6 – 14 years) and youths (15 – 35 years) in KaPhunga area in the Shiselweni region of Eswatini. The mission of this project is to build the resilience of children and youths by strengthening their social, human economic and environmental capitals.

It has four main outcome areas which are: 1) Children and youths psychological wellbeing is stable where they actively participate in peer support friendship groups. 2) They use acquired life skills for daily living, making sound decisions about their health and well-being and standing up for themselves. 3) Children and youths are actively involved in planning, resourcing and implementing community service initiatives – have a relevant role in community work. They become a significant part of the community in action and leadership. 4) Youths have sustainable livelihoods and are able to access goods and services – They are now part of the economic activity of their communities and have access and control of productive resources.